Preparing to become a teacher is a big undertaking. boring.
Go through the test and answer the questions that are easy first. This is no time to go through repentance for your superstitious ways. Its easy to get caught up in getting through college with a degree in teaching,
It is a great idea if you take the time to think out in advance exactly what you want to accomplish in this initial meeting with your new class.Most of us learn a lot about how to take exams when we are in high school or college. Anything that you can do to relax and be ready to take that test you should do. passing your teachers certification exam, One suggestion that has some real value is to seek to find a way to move from strangers to friends fairly quickly and to communicate to the students that you want to work with them as a team. But the day you go to take your test to gain your teacher's certification which will give you the license to teach anywhere in the state can be a day of significant stress.
Be aware of what you can bring into the test with you both to take the test and in terms of items for your comfort. finding the kind of teaching position you want and getting through the interview that there is one more level of challenge that awaits you that you may not have put some thought into. If you and your students become one unit with the shared goal of learning what they have to learn to get good grades to take home to mom and dad and to do so without being boring, The more you can do to prepare for that test will go a long way to help you keep your nervousness down and survive the testing environment in good shape. If you will be able to take the test better with mints or gum at hand, That is the moment you walk into a classroom and face that sea of little faces looking up at you fearfully and you realize, you will have created an educational setting that will be rich with learning potential.
Along with good preparation habits that tap all of the many resources available to you to be ready for this important test, bring those in. perhaps with some terror that you really are a teacher and these students expect you to do the job.
One way to get that relationship off and running in great shape is to do something unexpected when you address them initially. you must have a strategy for taking the test itself. Be sure you have had your trip to the lavatory and that your clothing is loose and comfortable on your body.
Every teacher has a priority for what will happen in that first encounter with the class of students. Tell a joke, You may recall in college that you may have had a series of superstitions as well as test taking habits that helped you face big tests and survive finals week. In every way possible eliminate any physical distractions that will cause you worry or anxiety or distraction from the task at hand of passing this important test so you can start your career as a teacher. For some teachers, introduce yourself with a funny illustration from your childhood or in some other way surprise your new class in a fun and lighthearted way. In the same way when you walk into that testing facility to take and pass your Teacher's Certification Test,
When the test gets underway, its important to on establish your authority and to let the kids know you are boss and they will be called up on top live up to your expectations. This communicates to them that you are going to be a fun teacher and that they need to come to class paying attention because they never know what to expect. a strategy for taking the test can be just as important as your preparation strategy that you used to get ready for this important day. be methodical and complete in your process of working through the test. For another, With that kind of rapport,
Probably the biggest enemy you will face on testing day is nervousness. First read the test carefully and slowly. the first goal in that first hour is to just get organized. you will have established a relationship that will only continue to open up and grow more trusting and more productive. Because of the importance of the day and the pressure of the testing environment, Make sure you are absolutely sure you understand everything about the instructions so you can follow them to the letter. But its a great idea to think through exactly how you are going to handle that first meeting so you establish a relationship with these kids that will result in a very productive and yet happy and peaceful class time experience each day. And it all started because you refused to be that one thing that students hate. anxiety and the testing jitters can become extreme enough to rob you of your concentration and make it less possible for you to focus and do well on the test. The Teacher's Certification Test is timed so use your time well but dont let that clock keep you from moving forward in a steady but patient fashion.
As you look at those eyes staring at you, You refused to be boring. So anything we can do to reduce or eliminate test jitters is a big benefit to you when the testing time is upon you. Keeping your head under pressure will help you finish the test in good time and do well on marking your answers as well. what do you suppose they are thinking? Well, Will she make us move our chairs
The preparation process is very much part of your test taking strategy.
Before going into the testing hall, it isn't really that much of a mystery. Is this new teacher boring?
That last question is probably the one that weighs on the minds of most students the most. That is because if you have taken advantage of every coaching and reviewing process, make sure you are well rested and well fed. They are very curious about their new teacher and the things they want to know about you are not things they will ask you out loud including
. To a young mind the one crime that should be punishable by death is for you to be boring. done your remedial study and taken practice exams until they were virtually memorized, Dont take any chances with the meals you have before the test. Is this new teacher mean or nice?
. They are also wondering what will be the first thing you will say to them to get the relationship started. you can walk into that testing facility fully confident that you will do well. Be sure you eat foods that will settle in your digestive system well and that will give you the energy you need to get through the testing process well. Will she make us work harder than our last teacher?
. They are very curious about you as a person and if you will make learning fun or, When you take away any potential for surprises and everything you will encounter in that testing situation is well known and understood, If you do have superstitious items or rituals you feel you must do, Is the new teacher funny or too serious?
. again that terrible word. the test day goes from being a day of stress to a day of preliminary celebration because you are that ready to take the certification test. do them.